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February 23, 2020


Jailbreak iOS 13? Checkra1n!

So todays post is about BootRa1n, which is an ISO file with enough Linux to run checkra1n on a windows PC/ Laptop. BootRa1n lets you use the latest versions of checkra1n to jailbreak your iDevice. 

CHECKRAIN has the power to even jailbreak the latest iOS 14 beta, but that vesion of checkra1n is not released publicly yet! 

Before we continue further, check whether you can jailbreak using checkra1n by heading over to the CAN I JAILBREAK? page by CLICKING HERE.

Here, you will be able to check whether you can jailbreak using checkra1n or not! and if your device us not compatible with checkra1n, then whether you can jailbreak using any other jailbreak or not!

What is special about BootRa1n? It supports:
  • AMD
  • 32-bit
  • 64-bit
So it will support almost every Laptop/PC.

So if your device is compatible with checkra1n, then you will need to download a few files:

Once you have download the files, make a bootable flashdrive using Balena Etcher and boot into it.
you might see some options go for GUI one or any of them.
Then enter the login details:
login id: anon
password: voidlinux

After that you will boot into Checkra1n by running this command: sudo checkra1n

Then, connect your device and click on the start button and follow the on-screen instructions to Jailbreak your device.

You can also check out my Video Tutorial on my channel:

(The video used below is from my own channel and my channel has embedding enabled)